UL Prospector



Polyvinyl butyral (PVB) with hydrochloric acid as catalyst, is made from polyvinyl alcohol and butyl aldehyde. The abbreviate is PVB. High gloss, high transparent, non-toxic, smell-less, fast dissolve, etc. It’s good soluble with pigments and dyes. The PVB has high transparency, good cold resistance, water resistance, film forming properties and impact resistance, widely used in middle film of glass, ceramic flower paper, metal protective paint, tipping paper, aluminum foil, insulation paint, fiber treatment agent, finished parts, printing inks, dyes and so on.


Beijing Entrepreneur Science & Trading Co., Ltd specializes in fine chemical products. They supply these specialized products to a number of industries including paint and coatings, adhesives and sealants, graphic arts and inks, and personal care. Beijing Entrepreneur Science &Trading Co. works closely with many well known manufacturers world wide.

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Beijing Entrepreneur Science &Trading Co., Ltd. 北京安特普纳科贸有限公司

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