UL Prospector



SILICONE FLUID ATPN-100 is a linear, non-reactive polydimethylsiloxane with a viscosity of approx. 100 mm2 /s. Due to its chemical structure, it has an outstanding property profile, which sets it apart from organic materials such as mineral oils. SILICONE FLUID ATPN-100 is ideal for use in a wide range of applications.


Beijing Entrepreneur Science & Trading Co., Ltd specializes in fine chemical products. They supply these specialized products to a number of industries including paint and coatings, adhesives and sealants, graphic arts and inks, and personal care. Beijing Entrepreneur Science &Trading Co. works closely with many well known manufacturers world wide.

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Beijing Entrepreneur Science &Trading Co., Ltd. 北京安特普纳科贸有限公司 stellt seine Produktinformationen in den unten aufgezeigten Regionen zur Verfügung:


Beijing Entrepreneur Science &Trading Co., Ltd. 北京安特普纳科贸有限公司

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