UL Prospector

Iso-Propyl Myristate


Iso-Propyl Myristate is a colorless, oily liquid, that can be dissolved with organic solvents. It is insoluble in water, and is one of the important additives for high-grade cosmetics. It can be used as emulsifier and moistening agent for cosmetics.

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Retailer Compliance Status

Name (CAS Number)
Isopropyl myristate (110-27-0) Sign in to view

Regulatory & Advisory Status

Name (CAS Number)
Isopropyl myristate (110-27-0)
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Compliance information powered by UL's ChemADVISOR™ Regulatory Database.


Shangdong Ailitong New Material Co., Ltd. is a chemical company that specializes in preservatives, greases, humectants, and sun-screening agents for the Personal Care and Cosmetics industry. Their chemicals have a variety of applications in shampoos, creams, lotions, deodorizers, toothpaste, gargle liquid, soaps, baby products, wound disinfector, wet wipes, sanitary lotion and more.

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Shandong Ailitong New Material Co.,Ltd. 山东艾利通新材料有限公司 stellt seine Produktinformationen in den unten aufgezeigten Regionen zur Verfügung:


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Shandong Ailitong New Material Co.,Ltd. 山东艾利通新材料有限公司

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