UL Prospector

Ecodis™ P 90 MB

Ecodis™ P 90 MB is the Mass Balance version of the Ecodis™ P 90 with a Bio-attributed content of 100%. It allows a significant reduction of the product carbon footprint compared to its fossil version. Ecodis™ P 90 MB achieves exactly the same performance as the Ecodis™ P 90 and can be readily used and implemented as a direct drop-in


Drawing on its unique expertise in materials science, Arkema offers a portfolio of best-in-class technologies to meet the growing demand for new innovative, high performance, sustainable materials. At the heart of this portfolio is Arkema Rheology and Specialty Additives. These are not "simple" additives, but truly advanced solutions based on extensive expertise in rheology, dispersion and texture of complex formulations. For more than 50 years and thanks to strong partnerships, these additives have been adding value to markets such as paints, adhesives, mineral processing, personal and home care products and many others.

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Arkema Rheology & Specialty Additives

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