UL Prospector

Polyester Actylate SP 236


Polyester Actylate SP 236 is a chlorinated polyester acrylate oligomer with TMPTA designed to provide adhesion on metal and paper, wet lithographic behavior, and pigment wetting. Common applications of this product include wet lithographic inks and adhesion promoting coatings. Polyester Actylate SP 236 is 60% polymer solid by weight with a viscosity of 2,400-2,800 at 25℃.


Soltech Ltd was established in 1999 in Korea with headquarters, R&D center and factory for the development, manufacturing and marketing of our special UV/EB curing Oligomers to worldwide market. They are one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of UV/EB curing Oligomers, specializing in urethane acrylates including water based urethane acrylate, polyester acrylate, epoxy acrylate and some unique additives such as slip & leveling agent, amine synergist and adhesion promoter. Some of their products are commonly used in applications such as plastic coatings, inks, clear coatings, vinyl flooring, and hard film coatings.

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Soltech Ltd

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