UL Prospector

Flan Powder (European Type)


Flan Powder (European Type) is a hot cooking base that is all natural and that is both high in calcium and low in salt. This product can be used in pastry cream, pudding, and pie filling. Eggs can be added to this product for extra smoothness and stability. This product is kosher.


Amero Foods manufactures pastry ingredients and formulates and produces custom made blends for the specific needs of their customers. Among the numerous products they have developed are an all fructose cookie mix for diabetics, special flavors for the yogurt and pudding industry, low-carb bread mixes, ice cream or sorbet blends in powder form, etc. Amero Foods also offers frozen dough and basic baking ingredients.

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Amero Foods MFG Corp/Pastrystar stellt seine Produktinformationen in den unten aufgezeigten Regionen zur Verfügung:


Amero Foods MFG Corp/Pastrystar

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