UL Prospector

Cranberry Fruit Inside CO


Cranberry Fruit Inside CO is an organic cranberry fruit powder made in France. 14% PACs-A titrated by the European Pharmacopoeia method at the best price. Range of extracts or powder, organic or conventional, titrated in Ph. Eur or BL-DMAC to 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, or 30% PACs-A. Clean Label. It is a must-have for urinary health formulas.


Activ'Inside is a young innovative company dedicated to natural botanical extracts and functional concepts with health benefits. Since the creation of the company, more than 130 different traditional extracts have been developed, mainly from French grape, Iran saffron, lemon balm and cranberry, as well as organic quality ingredients with Ecocert certification. Activ’Inside extracts are intended to be used in the formulation of dietary supplements, for the nutrition, health and well-being sectors. Activ’Inside also offers valuable assistance to the product formulation, taking into account regulatory, technological and marketing restraints.

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