UL Prospector



Macrynal® VSM 1509/60LG es una resina acrílica hidroxi-funcional, reticulable con poliisocianatos. Produce revestimientos de dos componentes de secado muy rápido para lacas industriales. Tiene un buen equilibrio entre elasticidad y dureza de la película.


Allnex is a leading producer of coating resins and additives for industrial, protective, automotive and special purpose coatings and inks, a.o. They also supply materials to the construction, composites and manufacturing markets. With 33 manufacturing facilities, 23 research and technology support centers and 5 joint ventures, Allnex group is present on four continents and serves customers in over 100 countries. They are recognized as a specialty chemicals pioneer and offer an extensive range of products including innovative liquid resins and additives, radiation cured and powder coating resins and additives and crosslinkers for use on wood, metal, plastic, and other surfaces. Our products cater to multiple end-user segments, including Automotive, Industrial, Packaging Coating and Inks, Protective, Consumer Electronics & Industrial Plastics and Specialty Architectural.

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