UL Prospector

Expresso Loaf (Formulation #09-010)

Expresso Loaf (Formulation #09-010) is a formulation to create scrumptious coffee & chocolate sweet bread using Bakels Instant Active Dry Yeast (High Sugar), Lecitem Pumpables, Apito Chocolate Paste, Bakels Alkalized Cocoa Powder, Apito Expresso Paste, and Bakels Dark Choco Fudge.


Bakels Worldwide manufacture, develop and distribute bakery ingredients for every market and sector including industrial, supermarket and retail and confectionery. Some of their products include bread improvers, dough conditioners and shelf life extenders, margarines and shortenings, cake coverings, icings, and filling creams, fruit and savoury glazes, fruit fillings, flavouring pastes and chestnut puree, etc.. Bakels Worldwide operating companies can collectively supply a range of more than 2,000 products.

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