UL Prospector



Eco-Phyl® is derived from a unique coalescence of mica, quartz and chlorite, known as leucophyllite. It has a lamellar particle shape which improves the mechanical properties and weather resistance of paints and coatings. As it is chemically inert, it can be used in all types of resins. It is recommended for indoor and outdoor decorative systems.


IMERYS PERFORMANCE ADDITIVES is the world's leading producer of mica, talc and wollastonite. With over a hundred years’ experience, we offer customers engineered mineral solutions We refine and engineer these minerals through processes – often proprietary- that influence their mineral composition, particle size, shape, structure and surface chemistry to obtain the exact properties our customers require. Each year, we process thousands of tons of mica, talc and wollastonite to the highest standards of quality and consistency. Our coatings team has in-depth knowledge of paints and coatings processing and of how minerals interact in the application. Our applications laboratories are equipped with a full range of analytical and coatings-specific equipment to provide customers with bespoke formulation services and technical support.

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Imerys Performance Additives

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