UL Prospector

Idroben 4913


Idroben 4913 is an acrylic emulsion used for clear and pigmented systems for indoor and outdoor, endowed with high body and glossy, particularly suggested for wood stains with good impregnating characteristics. It has air and bake applications. This product is an oil modified acrylic emulsion. It is a milky white colour, contains a solvent of water and butyl glycol, and has a 42% solids amount. Idroben 4913 has a pH level of 8,0-8.5, a viscosity [Brookf.] m Pa.s of < 250, and an MFT of 0℃.


Benasedo develops a complete range of synthetic and bio based products both for waterborne and solvent borne systems addressed to different coating fields and ink printing segment. Benasedo offers experienced technical knowledge of 60 years, as well as resources to provide tailor-made products, and compliance of high level safety requirements.

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