UL Prospector



Sipa-Dates is an organic date juice concentrate, obtained by cooking, de-stoning, pressing, filtration and concentration. It has a dark brown colour with a typical fruit and sweet flavor. It is used to add flavor, sweetness, or dark color to biscuits, dairy and vegetable products (drinks, yoghurts, desserts, etc.), cereal-based products (bars and breakfast foods), confectionery, fruit preparations, ice cream, bakery, snacks, saccharose and honey substitutes for consumers, etc.


Meurens Natural - Sipal Partners is a partnership between Meurens Natural and Sedamyl. Combined, they provide organic cereal and dried fruit concentrations, including fig juice, date juice, prune juice, oat syrups, rice syrups, maize and barley syrups, and many more. The company is dedicated to the production of quality, organic ingredients and to providing excellent, efficient customer service.

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