UL Prospector

Natural Botanicals Day Cream (Formulation #100-30C)

Part of our multi-step K-Beauty facial regimen, this light yet substantial day cream spreads easily and absorbs well. Daikon Seed Extract gives a light, smooth, silky, non-greasy yet moisturizing feel with botanically based preservatives including honeysuckle extract and honeysuckle flower extract. This light day cream can be used as a primer under liquid foundation.


Natural Plant Products, LLC has produced botanical oils/extracts for the personal care industry for over 30 years. Grown in the USA on cooperative member farms their natural products, Meadowfoam Seed Oil XPR, Daikon Seed Extract, and Meadowfoam CP, have unique chemistries. These novel triglycerides offer long-term oxidative stability, providing a viable natural alternative to synthetic emollients. Offering distinctive skin feel and texture, these high integrity raw materials are sustainably sourced, with stable pricing and availability and are preferred by formulators of the world’s leading personal care brands.

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