UL Prospector

Transparent Color Change Lipstick (Formulation #AC-LIPCH161202-29)

Gelatinization Agent EB-21 and GP-1 form hard gel stick with good transparency. It changes color to suit different skin tones and give long lasting finishes. ELDEW® PS-203R provide moisturising property and lock the moisture on the lip.


Ajinomoto OmniChem is a leading manufacturer of amino-acid based specialty chemicals. To broaden their lines of value-added merchandise they implement inventive techniques incorporating amino acids to support future cosmetic and toiletry products. One such product, AMISOFT® is the world’s first mild amino acid-based surfactant. It is highly biodegradable and safe for human use. This product enhances formulations for bar soaps, shampoos and facial cleansers.

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