UL Prospector

Mangosteen (Whole) Extract, Natural (Organic Compliant)


Mangosteen (Whole) Extract, Natural (Organic Compliant) is a light pink to tan liquid extract of mangosteen. Mangosteen (Whole) Extract, Natural (Organic Compliant) provides peachy creamy flavor notes to its desired applications. It has a need for a high use level for an effective flavor load. It has a wide variety of food-based applications, such as in dairy drinks, and still beverages, etc.


A.M. Todd Botanical Therapeutics is a developer and manufacturer of premium botanical extracts and nutritional supplements used in the Food, Beverage, and Nutrition industry. For over 130 years, this company has been dedicated to flavor ingredients and technology. A.M. Todd’s broad range of offerings includes Almond Extract, Cocoa Nib Extract, Fennel Extract, Guava Flavor, and Lychee Distillate.

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