UL Prospector

Pro-Black Extract

  • Empresa:

    ACT Co., Ltd.

  • INCI Name:

    Water (and) Propanediol (and) Hydrolyzed Ginseng Saponins


Pro-Black Extract is highly effective in anti-wrinkle products. It is an extract of black ginseng which is fresh ginseng that was steamed and dried for at least three times. As ginseng is steamed and dried repeatedly, the content of saponin and active ingredient such as Rg3 increases significantly. Pro-Black Extract also goes through Ultra High Pressure technology to prevent abnormal substances within the formulation and odor generation. Through this technology, specific ginsenoside component is increased and it does not destroy covalent bonds and prevent nutrients from getting destroyed by heat.

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ACT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ: 138360) is engaged in the development of functional ingredients for skin care products. Our main focus is to stabilize active ingredients with drug delivery system that can be applied in various formulations.

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