UL Prospector

Yogurt Blur Cream Gel


The Yogurt Blur Gel is the perfect moisturizing addition to your daily routine. This formulation includes Orgasol® 4000 EXD NAT COS Caresse, which allows for a quick break effect. When applied to the skin there is a high level of moisturization without leaving a greasy feel. The lightness of the application provides a pore blurring effect for perfect looking skin all day long.


A designer of materials and innovative solutions, Arkema shapes materials and creates new uses that accelerate customer performance. Our business portfolio spans high-performance materials, industrial specialties and coating solutions. Our globally recognized brands are ranked among the leaders in the markets we serve. Reporting annual sales of €8 billion in 2017, we employ approximately 20,000 people worldwide and operate in close to 50 countries. We are committed to active engagement with all our stakeholders. Our research centers in North America, France and Asia concentrate on advances in bio-sourced products, new energies, water management, electronic solutions, lightweight materials & design and home efficiency & insulation.

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