UL Prospector

Maple Water


Maple Water is a moisturizing and hair care active ingredient, recommended for moisturizers, skincare lotions and hair care mist, tonic, and treatment products. It is expected to moisturize the skin, boost the skin barrier function, and vitalize the skin cells by promoting fibroblast proliferation. Its origin, Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple) Sap is harvested in early spring in a very few primary forests in Quebec, Canada, the source of maple syrup.

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ICHIMARU PHARCOS, an R&D based leading cosmetic active ingredient developer and manufacturer in Japan with more than 60 years of experience. Apart from distributing our natural ingredients, we also handle the latest cosmetic trends, intellectual properties, and cosmetic laws in the world. Many of our products have acquired COSMOS, ECOCERT, HALAL and other Certifications.

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