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No-Rinse Foaming Shampoo (Formulation #HC-005)

Intended for no shower access or when caring for someone with limited mobility. Because of the mild surfactants, no rinsing is required and it is non-irritating to the scalp. And it is easy to use: simply apply until hair is wet, massage into hair, and then towel dry. This no-rinse foaming shampoo leaves hair clean, odor-free, soft and manageable. Green CAPB-B is an innovative surfactant obtained from Babaçu oil with excellent emollient properties.


With a 75-year history of innovation and growth, Acme-Hardesty has evolved into a leading distributor of bio-based products and specialty ingredients for the Personal Care industry. Our dedicated personal care team offers formulations expertise paired with a rapidly growing product portfolio, allowing us to partner with our customers and develop innovative solutions to their formulation challenges. From hair care to skin care and everything in between, the ingredients Acme-Hardesty provides are essential for manufacturing quality personal care products.

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