UL Prospector

B-F Indicator™ Dip Slides


B-F Indicator™ Dip Slides are practical tools for determining the presence of harmful microorganisms common to manufacturing environments. Left unchecked, these microorganisms can negatively affect the properties, performance, and overall quality of finished products and shorten expected shelf-life. Most importantly, monitoring product quality significantly reduces the likelihood that consumers will come in contact with harmful microorganisms. B-F Indicator™ Dip Slides help indicate the presence and type of destructive microorganisms and offer a simple means for estimating microbe population density.


Arxada - A Trusted Leader in Microbial Control. Outstanding solutions that are efficacious and proven. Innovative technologies, product development and application support that meet customer needs now and in the future. Unrivalled regulatory expertise and expert technical knowledge. You name it, they've got it at Arxada - a trusted leader in microbial control. Their solution can keep their personal care consumer products working, as they should, remaining protected from microbial contamination, to ensure reliable and long-lasting performance through consumers' daily use. Arxada has been proud for many years to offer a comprehensive range of trusted preservation and microbial control solutions with associated broad registration footprints and regulatory compliance. Their broad offering includes well-established and non-traditional solutions that support finished product compliances such as COSMOS, ECOCERT, CleanGredients and Halal certification.

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