UL Prospector

Paprika Oleoresin (40000 CU)


Paprika Oleoresin (40000 CU) is a natural product obtained by solvent extraction of ground dried ripe fruits of Capsicum Annum L. Its color value is 40,000-41,000 cu. It is a deep reddish, free-flowing, homogeneous liquid pourable at room temperature, with a characteristic odor of freshly ground dried red capsicum. Paprika Oleoresin is used as a coloring and flavoring agent in foods such as cheese, orange juice, spice mixtures, sauces, sweets and emulsified processed meats. It is also used as an antioxidant.


BOS Natural Flavors, Ltd is a developer and manufacturer of pure botanical, organic, and spice ingredients used in the Food, Beverage, and Nutrition industry. Its specialty lies in isolating, extracting, distilling, and encapsulating natural plant resources. BOS Natural offers a full line of Oleoresins, Essential Oils, Natural Colors & Extracts, Organic Oils & Extracts, Floral Concretes, and Mint.

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