UL Prospector

GS 5300B - Isolated Soy Protein


GS 5300B - Isolated Soy Protein is a light yellow colored, non dusty powder that is made from soybean proteins. It has a high viscosity, and contains a low amount of sodium. This product is intended for use in powder beverages, infant formulas, cereals, and nutritional bars.


Gushen Biological Technology Group Co. is an international company known for their processing of soybean oil and protein products. Their main product exports include soybean dietary fiber, soy polysaccharides, soy protein concentrate, soybean protein and soy protein isolate. Other products include soy lecithin, soy high-temperature dregs, soy white flakes, protein powder and soybean meal.

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Gushen Biological Technology Group Co., Ltd makes their documentation available in the regions indicated below: