UL Prospector



EASY100 is a white flour replacement for white pan breads, pizza dough, and light colored pastries. It will pass through a U.S. #100 mesh screen. Raw soy flour, having received only minimal heat treatment, contains high levels of active enzymes, making it an excellent functional base product for baked goods, ethnic foods and beverages. It is fully functional at 0.5% inclusion rate, provides a clean label bromate replacement and is an all natural product with no chemicals added. It provides a very light crumb, increases tolerance times and is a 100% vegetarian product.


Natural Products, Inc. provides a variety of ingredients for food and beverage applications. These include soy ingredients, egg replacers, and dairy replacers, which can be used for cost reduction, improved nutrition, improved quality, and for organic and non-GMO applications. With years of experience with value-added food processing, the company is easily able to meet customers’ specifications.

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