UL Prospector

Freedom™ 910


Freedom™ 910 is a no trans, non-hydrogenated coating fat composed of palm kernel and palm oil, and is designed to be non-tempering. It combines a steep melting profile with good heat stability to deliver a high quality finished coating, and is the ideal product for formulating no-trans coatings to give a "clean" nutritional panel and ingredient statement. The Freedom™ 900 series finds application in coatings, coating fats, bakery, confectionery, and dairy fat alternatives. Loders Croklaan offers a number of different coating fats under the Freedom™ line that each differ slightly in their physical characteristics.


Loders Croklaan’s line of trans-free emulsified shortenings is prepared without hydrogenation and possesses properties of texture, shelf life and aeration comparable to emulsified shortenings based on partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

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