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Acronal® 296 D ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 阴离子乳液聚合物,粘度中等。它含有细小、良好分散的颗粒。它与颜填料具有出色的相容性。对颜料具有非常高的粘合力。未着色的Acronal®296 D apare涂膜透明、柔韧、高光泽,具有极高的耐水性和非常好的耐皂化性能
Acronal® 296 DS ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 高品质、通用型建筑涂料用乳液聚合物。Acronal® 296 DS ap是一种阴离子型低粘度的乳液聚合物,它由细小的微粒组成。与颜填料有出色的兼容性,具备超强的颜料粘结力。Acronal® 296 DS ap乳液膜在室温下不粘手。Acronal® 296 DS ap乳液膜透明,柔软且有光泽,具有极好的耐水性,且具备出色的耐皂化特性。
Acronal® 7015 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 一种具有中等黏度的细微分散乳液聚合物。它是一种拥有与常用填料及添加物良好兼容性的丙烯酸乳液,同时其对填料有着很好的粘结力。其在20℃左右可形成具有高硬度、高弹性以及很好的抗黏连性特点的膜.Acronal® 7015形成的膜具有优异的耐水性和耐光性,同时对于皂化和风化有着很好的抗性。它有着良好的耐水白性,即使在水中浸泡很长时间变白后仍能回复。
Acronal® 7016 G BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 一种阴离子型中等粘度的乳液聚合物。它由细小的微粒组成,是一种拥有优异户外耐久性和耐沾污性的纯丙烯酸共聚物。能使涂膜拥有良好的耐擦洗性、抗粘连性、对混凝土表面有良好的附着力。
Acronal® 7026 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 良好分散的的聚合物乳液,粘度低。该乳液形成的涂膜在很宽的温度范围内具有高弹性,尤其是在寒冷气候环境下。与填料和颜料具有出色的相容性。它具有非常高的颜料粘合力。用Acronal®7026形成的涂膜具有出色的耐水、耐碱性能和耐风化性能。Acronal®7026配制的弹性墙面涂料具有良好的耐毛细裂纹,由于采用了紫外表面交联技术,即使在温暖高污染的环境下也具有非常好的耐玷污性能
Acronal® 7026 G BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 一种细小粒径的低粘度乳液聚合物。这种乳液膜在各种温度条件下,特别是在气候寒冷地区都能保持良好弹性。它与颜填料相容性非常好,具有很强的颜填料的承载能力。Acronal® 7026 G 形成的涂膜具有优异的耐水、耐碱和抗风化性能。其配制的弹性墙面漆具有细微裂纹桥接功能,同时由于运用了紫外光表面交联技术,即便在热的天气和污染严重的环境中也表现出很强的耐沾污性能。
Acronal® 7035 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 耐擦洗性能优异的高PVC内墙涂料用乳液聚合物 Acronal®7035是不含APEO的低粘度阴离子乳液.它由细小的乳液粒子组成. Acronal®7035具有很高的对颜填料的粘结力,因此它即使在很高PVC时仍然 使得涂料具有突出的耐擦洗性
Acronal® 7035 G BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 耐擦洗性能优异的高PVC内墙涂料用乳液聚合物。Acronal®7035G是不含APEO的低粘度阴离子乳液.它由细小的乳液粒子组成。Acronal®7035G具有很高的对颜填料的粘结力,因此它即使在很高PVC时仍然使得涂料具有突出的耐擦洗性
Acronal® 7037 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 具有极佳耐擦洗性多功能内墙建筑涂料用乳液聚合物,Acronal® 7037是一种不含APEO的低黏度阴离子乳液聚合物。它由细小的乳液粒子组成。Acronal® 7037 具有很高的对颜填料的粘结力,因此它即使在很高PVC时仍然使得涂料具有突出的耐擦洗性。
Acronal® 7051 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 适用于真石漆和质感涂料的水性聚合物乳液 Acronal®7051是一种具有中等黏度的细微分散乳液聚合物。它是一种与常用颜料及骨料具有良好相容性的纯丙烯酸乳液,同时其具有优异的钙离子稳定性。其涂膜坚韧,具有柔性及抗粘连性。Acronal® 7051形成的膜具高耐水性、耐光性,优异的抗皂化性及耐候性。即使在水中长时间浸泡,涂膜也不会水白。
Acronal® A 684 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 通用型,具有出色的附着力和出色的耐候性
Acronal® CN 18 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 不含甲醛、中等黏度、细小粒径的乳液聚合物。与颜填料有出色的兼容性。聚合物乳液干膜透明,柔软有光泽,杰出的耐水和抗皂化性能。
Acronal® DS 6266 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 可广泛用于各种乳胶漆和质感面漆的聚合物乳液 Acronal®DS 6266 ap 是一种中等粘度的阴离子型聚合物乳液。它拥有极细的 粒径,能形成无色、透明滑爽的涂膜。产品性能优异,具有良好的抗发白性、低吸水性和高耐候性。
Acronal® ECO 338 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种细粒径,低黏度的水性乳液。无气味,而且不包含氨水,溶剂及增塑剂。它与常用的颜料与填料展现优异的相容性。形成的涂膜透明,柔性且有光泽,并具备好的耐水性及耐水解性。
Acronal® ECO 502 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是低黏度,细小乳胶,无气味,不含氨水及任何溶剂或增塑剂,拥有出色的颜料相容性和粘结能力,而且配方内不需要助成膜助剂。其干膜透明,有光泽和弹性,并有很好的耐水和抗水解性能。
Acronal® ECO 612 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 全丙烯酸共聚物,用于低光泽建筑涂料。用Acronal®ECO 612 ap形成的涂料能在保持VOC含量接近零的条件下满足严苛性能。由于其出色的附着力和抗粘连性能,Acronal®ECO 612 ap配制的涂料非常适合各种表面类型和应用。另外,Acronal®ECO 612 ap表现出优秀的耐常规家庭污染物的能力
Acronal® ECO 702 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种阴离子型中等黏度,细小粒径的水性乳胶。拥有优异的颜料和填料的相容性与粘结性能。Acronal ECO 702 ap 在无颜填料时形成的膜透明,有弹性和光泽,并具有出色的耐水和抗皂化性能。
Acronal® ECO 7078 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 耐沾污性能出众的乳液聚合物。(依据 GB/T 9780 建筑涂料涂层耐沾污性试验方法)Acronal® ECO 7078 粒径细,粘度低, 无气味且不含氨、溶剂和增塑剂。 在常用的内墙涂料配方中,表现出优秀的耐沾污性与耐湿擦洗性。
Acronal® ECO 9056 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 阴离子乳液聚合物,具有中等粘度。它含有细小良好分散的颗粒。它与颜料和填料具有出色的相容性。它具有非常高的颜料粘合力。未着色的Acronal®ECO 9056涂膜可在室温下指干。Acronal®ECO 9056的涂膜透明、柔韧和高光,具有极高的耐水性和非常好的耐皂化性能
Acronal® Flex SC 138 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 良好分散的聚合物乳液,粘度低。与填料和颜料具有出色的相容性。它具有非常高的颜料粘合力。用Acronal®FLEX SC 138形成的涂膜具有出色的耐水、耐碱性能和耐候性。Acronal®FLEX SC 138配制的弹性墙面涂料即使在温暖高污染的环境下也具有良好的耐毛细裂纹以及非常好的耐玷污性能
Acronal® GS 409 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种低粘度细小粒径聚合物乳液。它与填料和颜料具有优异的相容性,同时具有极高的颜料粘结力。由Acronal GS 409 ap形成的漆膜具有优异的耐水性、耐碱性和耐候性。采用Acronal GS 409 ap配制的弹性涂料能能够提供毛细裂纹的桥接,即使在温暖和污染的环境中,也具有非常出色的耐沾污性。
Acronal® IA734 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal® IA734 ap是一种直链丙烯酸阴离子乳液聚合物,专门设计用于顶级户外应用。聚合物细而窄的粒径分布确保了良好的附着力。交联作用使它获得最好的机械性能而无需牺牲耐沾污性。它不含增塑剂和溶剂
Acronal® JC 7043 X BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种拥有细小粒径和低粘度的阴离子R-C乳液。它是一 种长链的丙烯酸和苯乙烯共聚物,具备优异的对粉化基材的渗透性和优异的耐碱性,适用于水性渗透性和耐碱性底漆,该底漆可替代溶剂型体系。该产品对粉化砖石基材具有优异的粘结力。 Acronal® JC 7043 适用于制备全效合一水性底漆产品。
Acronal® LR8977 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 安固力® LR8977是一种自交联丙烯酸乳液,用于工业金属防护涂料。很好的抗压粘性。适用高PVC配方。不含APEO,与防锈颜料相容性好,具有优异的金属防护性能
Acronal® NX 3587 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal® NX 3587是一种水性丙烯酸乳液,用于弹性屋顶涂料。它是一种BASF新设计的聚合物,解决了弹性屋顶涂料工业的许多顾虑。首先,它是一种含可交联官能团的纯丙烯酸聚合物,这不仅仅提高的聚合物的抗张强度,而且改善了基材的附着力尤其是在聚氨酯上。其次,Acronal® NX 3587解决了当作为白色涂料遮盖沥青基材时的耐沥青渗出问题。根据紫外和热(50°C) 条件下的测试,它显示几乎没有沥青渗出。最后,当该产品复合到典型的42 PVC弹性屋顶涂料配方中时,它显示了非常低的吸水值
Acronal® PA 510 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种阴离子型的分散介质的粘度。该乳液具有非常细的颗粒,提供优良的增稠响应。 ACRONAL®PA510配方的高光泽涂料耐高挡。 ACRONAL®PA510具有优异的湿附着力对木材和任何关键基材,尤其是老化醇酸的基材.
Acronal® PA 619 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal®PA 619 ap为水性丙烯酸乳液,用于改性水硬性胶黏剂。它被推荐用于砂浆修补或喷涂应用。本产品所配制的混合物在高温下或多种类型水泥时均表现出优异的开罐可使用时间,夹带空气少,它可提供卓越的冷冻/解冻稳定性。 ACRONAL®PA 619 ap也建议用于水泥基瓷砖薄集胶粘剂,改性砂浆和水泥修复系统。相比未改性砂浆混合物,使用本产品改性的砂浆混合物具有更好的抗弯,抗拉强度和耐水渗透性。
Acronal® PA 807 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 乳液聚合物,耐久、低粘灰,用于高品质户外乳胶漆。Acronal® PA 807 ap是一种阴离子乳液聚合物,粘度中等,含有细小、良好分散的颗粒。它是一种全丙烯酸共聚物具有出色的户外耐久性和良好的耐玷污性能。该聚合物制备的涂膜具有良好的耐擦洗性能,防粘连性能,良好的对圬工表面的附着力以及特别好的湿遮盖力。Acronal® PA 807 ap适合用于制备各种应用的油漆,可配制不同光泽水平。
Acronal® PLUS 7045 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 低环境影响型抗菌内墙涂料用聚合物乳液 Acronal® PLUS 7045 是一种低气味、非渗出型抗菌涂料用乳液。Acronal® PLUS 7045 使用了特殊的聚合物载体,将银离子牢牢锁住,从而使其既具有优异的抗菌性能,又不会渗出衰减,同时不会导致涂料变灰。该乳液干燥后可以形成透明的高光涂膜,具有优异的耐水性及抗风化性能
Acronal® PLUS 7048 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal® PLUS 7048是一种无气味的阴离子乳液聚合物,可提供去甲醛功能,适用于户内墙面涂料。它含特殊单体可帮助捕获室内房间里的游离甲醛。从它制备的涂膜清澈高光,具有出色的耐水和耐风化性能
Acronal® PLUS 7048G BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal® PLUS 7048G 是一种用于内墙抗甲醛涂料的低气味聚 合物乳液。Acronal® PLUS 7048G 采用了特殊的功能性单体,它能够帮助捕获室内空气中的游离甲醛。该乳液干燥后可以形成 透明的高光涂膜,具有优异的耐水性及抗风化性能。
Acronal® PRO80 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 安固力® PRO80 是一种不含APEO,不含锌的丙烯酸乳液。具有非常好的防护性能和对湿热的屏蔽性。早期耐水性好,对各种颜填料的润湿性好。推荐用于金属底漆,中涂或面漆
Acronal® PS 608 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal®PS608 ap为水性丙烯酸乳液,用于水硬性胶结剂的改性。它用来改性水硬性胶结剂,尤其是含有水泥的混合物。用本产品改性的化合物具有非常好的流体均一性,允许大大减少用水量,而不改变最终产品的性能。可看到弯曲强度显著增加。 ACRONAL®PS608 ap推荐用于制造修补砂浆,工业地坪找平,finescreeds,以及水泥基自流平化合物。
Acronal® PS 673 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal®PS 673 ap为阴离子乳液聚合物,具有中等粘度。它含有小而细碎的颗粒。它与颜料和填料的相容性非常好,而且对颜料具有很高的粘结力。通过加入Acronal®PS 673 ap形成的膜是透明的,柔韧的,有光泽的,它们具有极高的防水性,并且具有非常好的耐皂化性能。本产品的未着色膜可在室温下表干。
Acronal® PS 707 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 阴离子乳液聚合物,具有中等粘度。它含有细小良好溶解的无机盐。它的未着色涂膜光亮、透明、柔韧,具有耐水性和耐皂化性能
Acronal® PS 713 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 ACRONAL®PS 713 ap是一种水性丙烯酸乳液,适合高品质胶黏水泥应用。它是一种高度通用的水性丙烯酸乳液,适合于不同的防水应用,并且对各种表面具有很高的附着力。它是一个功能强大的产品,它可提供高颜料粘合力,并具有高剪切力下非常好的稳定性。它可以被添加到研磨料中配制非常高固含量的涂料,制备厚膜。 ACRONAL®PS 713 ap被广泛应用于建筑行业,尤其是胶黏水泥防水。
Acronal® PS 715 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal®PS 715 ap为水性丙烯酸乳液,用于胶黏水泥和抗碳化涂层。它是高性能胶黏水泥防水膜用的合适基料。由于它的弹性和优良的抗裂-桥接性能,它赋予了建筑物长期耐久性。基于此产品的胶黏水泥防水膜对各种基材具有良好的附着力和非常好的耐玷污性能。它可理想地用于外墙防水应用,以保护建筑物,防止漏水和来自天气的影响。
Acronal® PS 719 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal®PS 719 ap是一种阴离子型乳液聚合物,粘度中等。它含有细小的良好分散的颗粒。它与颜料和填料具有出色的相容性。它具有非常高的颜料粘合力。未着色的Acronal®PS 719涂膜可在室温下指干。Acronal®PS 719的涂膜透明、柔韧和高光,具有极高的耐水性和非常好的耐皂化性能
Acronal® PS 791 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 乳液聚合物,用于高品质通用型建筑涂料,Acronal® PS 791 ap是一种阴离子乳液聚合物,粘度低,含有细小、良好分散的颗粒。它具有与颜填料出色的相容性和非常高的颜料粘合力。未着色的Acronal® PS 791 ap涂膜可在室温下指干。Acronal® PS 791 ap形成的涂膜透明、柔韧、光泽高,具有极高的耐水性,和非常好的耐皂化性能
Acronal® S 400 F ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 ACRONAL®S400 F ap是一种水性丙烯酸乳液,用于弹性防水膜。水泥防水膜在耐久、高品质的建设项目中发挥重要作用。它是一种水性丙烯酸乳液,可为水泥防水膜提供出色的防水性和优异的抗裂缝-桥接性能。它不含有氨或甲醛,可增加您工作场所的健康和安全。
Acronal® S 727 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Acronal®S 727是疏水性共聚物基料,它含有活性化合物来阻止和锁定单宁和尼古丁。它创建了一个无粘性,弹性而耐用的膜。它可为热带木头和木节着色剂提供耐水性和出色的单宁阻隔性能。它不含任何配方中需要的附加氧化锌或替代活性化合物。本产品是单宁和尼古丁阻隔底漆,装饰和工业应用应用,它普遍适用于透明,特别是有色体系。
Acronal® Xpress 7512 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 ACRONAL®Xpress AP 7512 ap是一种水性丙烯酸乳液,用于配制超快速固化胶黏水泥防水膜。它是快速固化技术单组分胶黏水泥防水膜界的“行业标杆”。它专门设计用于在高潮湿的气候条件下的快速重涂。巴斯夫的最新防水聚合物利用多种创新的表面特征和独特的成分组合,可实现低吸水率,出色的耐起泡性,高颜料粘合能力。
Alinco™ M-25 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ M-25 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finish...展开 Alinco™ M-25 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Q Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Q Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes,...展开 Alinco™ Q Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ X Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ X Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes,...展开 Alinco™ X Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Y Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Y Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes,...展开 Alinco™ Y Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes,...展开 Alinco™ Z Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z-1 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z-1 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishe...展开 Alinco™ Z-1 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z-2 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z-2 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishe...展开 Alinco™ Z-2 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z-3 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z-3 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishe...展开 Alinco™ Z-3 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z-4 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z-4 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishe...展开 Alinco™ Z-4 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z-5 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z-5 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishe...展开 Alinco™ Z-5 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z-6 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z-6 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishe...展开 Alinco™ Z-6 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Alinco™ Z/2-Z/3 Linseed Oil ADM Alinco™ Z/2-Z/3 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall fin...展开 Alinco™ Z/2-Z/3 Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is a blend of heat polymerized refined linseed oil. This closed-kettle, heat-bodied oil of medium acid range has applications in enamels, house paints, varnishes, printing inks, flat wall finishes, and more. 收起
Anti-Spalling Compound ADM Anti-Spalling Compound, in the form of a semi viscous to viscous liquid, is a blend of scientific boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits. It has many applications, such as varnishes, paints, alkyd resins, hardboard, inks, coatings, and more.
Anti-Yellowing Bright Silver YT1202AY Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Anti-Yellowing Bright Silver YT1202AY is a new class of super white pearl pigments in a pearlescent snowy white pigment form that offers shine, with a particle diameter of 10-60µm. It differs from the standard silver white range in that it provides specia...展开 Anti-Yellowing Bright Silver YT1202AY is a new class of super white pearl pigments in a pearlescent snowy white pigment form that offers shine, with a particle diameter of 10-60µm. It differs from the standard silver white range in that it provides special chroma properties like transparency, brightness, higher purity, and reflectivity. It is used in car surface and refinished paints, in interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Anti-Yellowing Fine Silver YT1203AY Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Anti-Yellowing Fine Silver YT1203AY is a new class of super white pearl pigments in a pearlescent white crystal and powder form that offers brightness and shine, with a particle diameter of less than 15µm. It differs from the standard silver white range i...展开 Anti-Yellowing Fine Silver YT1203AY is a new class of super white pearl pigments in a pearlescent white crystal and powder form that offers brightness and shine, with a particle diameter of less than 15µm. It differs from the standard silver white range in that it provides special chroma properties like transparency, brightness, higher purity, and reflectivity. It is used in car surface and refinished paints, in interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Anti-Yellowing Stain Silver YT1222AY Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Anti-Yellowing Stain Silver YT1222AY is a new class of super white pearl pigments in a pearlescent white crystal and powder form that offers brightness and shine, with a particle diameter of 5-25µm. It differs from the standard silver white range in that ...展开 Anti-Yellowing Stain Silver YT1222AY is a new class of super white pearl pigments in a pearlescent white crystal and powder form that offers brightness and shine, with a particle diameter of 5-25µm. It differs from the standard silver white range in that it provides special chroma properties like transparency, brightness, higher purity, and reflectivity. It is used in car surface and refinished paints, in interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Antique Gold YT93008M Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Antique Gold YT93008M is a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that has a particle diameter of 10-60µm and is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment. The pigment however, does not have magnetic properties. It can be used in automob...展开 Antique Gold YT93008M is a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that has a particle diameter of 10-60µm and is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment. The pigment however, does not have magnetic properties. It can be used in automobile and refinished paints, on exterior and interior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Apple Green YT3435 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Apple Green YT3435 has a particle diameter of 10-60µmis and is characterized by a colorful and bright pearl luster. It is a recolored pearlescent pigment that is formed when metallic, silver white and interference pigments become coated with absorptive pi...展开 Apple Green YT3435 has a particle diameter of 10-60µmis and is characterized by a colorful and bright pearl luster. It is a recolored pearlescent pigment that is formed when metallic, silver white and interference pigments become coated with absorptive pigments. They provide brighter coloring and a higher chrome pearlescent effect. Applications for pigments within this range include automobile and refinished paints, interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Basonat® HB 100 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Basonat® HB 100是一种脂肪族聚异氰酸酯,用于制备耐光和耐候性双组分聚氨酯涂料。它由基于六亚甲基二异氰酸酯的多异氰酸酯缩二脲组成。Basonat® HB 100可用于配制涂料。而其它Basonat®HB系列产品所含的溶剂证明用于涂料是麻烦的,比如芳族烃过度增溶聚苯乙烯。
Basonat® HB 175 MP/X BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 75%溶于丙二醇单甲醚醋酸酯和二甲苯(1:1)的缩二脲改性HDI聚异氰酸酯,适用于高耐候性和高性能的双组分聚氨酯涂料
Basonat® HB 175 MP/X BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 75%溶于丙二醇单甲醚醋酸酯和二甲苯(1:1)的缩二脲改性HDI聚异氰酸酯,适用于高耐候性和高性能的双组分聚氨酯涂料
Basonat® HB 275 B BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Basonat® HB 275 B是脂肪族聚异氰酸酯,用于制备耐光和耐候性双组分聚氨酯涂料。它由基于六亚甲基二异氰酸酯的多异氰酸酯缩二脲组成,供应方式为75%固体,溶于25%的醋酸丁酯中,以应对无苯的工作环境。本品用于配制高耐光和耐候性的涂料。脂肪族多异氰酸酯有时甚至用在底漆中,用于难以附着的基材,例如铝或各种塑料,或复合材料涂布。
Basonat® HB 475 B/X BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Basonat® HB 475 B/X是脂肪族聚异氰酸酯,用于制备耐光和耐候性双组分聚氨酯涂料。它由基于六亚甲基二异氰酸酯的多异氰酸酯缩二脲组成,供应方式为约75%固体,溶于1:1混合的醋酸丁酯和二甲苯中。本品用于配制高耐光和耐候性的涂料。脂肪族多异氰酸酯有时甚至用在底漆中,用于难以附着的基材,例如铝或各种塑料,或复合材料涂布。
Basonat® HI 100 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 无溶剂,异氰脲酸酯改性HDI聚异氰酸酯,适用于高耐候性和高性能的双组分聚氨酯涂料
Basonat® HI 100AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 无溶剂,异氰脲酸酯改性HDI聚异氰酸酯,适用于高耐候性和高性能的双组分聚氨酯涂料,相对BASONAT® HI 100 储存更稳定
Basonat® HI 190 B/S BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 90%溶于醋酸丁酯和 Solvesso®(1:1)的异氰脲酸酯改性HDI聚异氰酸酯,适用于高耐候性和高性能的双组分聚氨酯涂料
Basonat® HI 190 B/S AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 90%溶于醋酸丁酯和 Solvesso®(1:1)的异氰脲酸酯改性HDI聚异氰酸酯,适用于高耐候性和高性能的双组分聚氨酯涂料,相对BASONAT® HI 190 B/S储存更稳定
Basonat® HI2000 (old name : LR 9046) BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 无溶剂,低粘度的异氰脲酸酯改性HDI聚异氰酸酯,适用于高固含,低有机挥发物,高耐候性和高性能的双组分聚氨酯涂料
Basonat® HW 1180 PC (old name : HW 180 PC) BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 巴速耐® HW180PC是一种可水乳化的HDI类型的聚异氰酸酯,可与含活性羟基的聚合物乳液交联。推荐用于双组分工业涂料
Basonat® HW 2000 (old name : LR9056) BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 巴速耐® LR9056 是一种可水乳化的HDI类型的聚异氰酸酯,可与含活性羟基的聚合物乳液交联。推荐用于双组分工业涂料
Basonat® HW 3180 B (old name : LR 9080) BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Basonat® 3180 B是基于异氰酸酯六亚甲基二异氰酸酯和异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯的可水稀释的多功能异氰酸酯,80%的乙酸正丁酯溶液。它用作助固化剂,结合亲水HDI基聚异氰酸酯,制备水性双组分聚氨酯涂料。
Basonol® HPE 1170 B BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 Basonol® HPE 1170 B is a OH functional hyperbranched Polyester to be used as a cobinder in 2K PUR and 1K clear- and pigmented coating 2K systems for improved performance.
Black Gold YT93026M Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Black Gold YT93026M has a particle diameter of 10-60µm, with a black gold color in a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment. However, it does not have magnetic properties. The pigment can...展开 Black Gold YT93026M has a particle diameter of 10-60µm, with a black gold color in a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment. However, it does not have magnetic properties. The pigment can be used in automobile and refinished paints, on exterior and interior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Black Pearl YT3404 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Black Pearl YT3404 is a recolored pearlescent pigment with a particle diameter of 10-60µm in a pigment that is characterized by a colorful and bright pearl luster. It is formed when silver white, metallic and interference pigments become coated with absor...展开 Black Pearl YT3404 is a recolored pearlescent pigment with a particle diameter of 10-60µm in a pigment that is characterized by a colorful and bright pearl luster. It is formed when silver white, metallic and interference pigments become coated with absorptive pigments. They provide brighter coloring and a higher chrome pearlescent effect. Applications include automobile and refinished paints, interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Black Pearl YT3405 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Black Pearl YT3405 displays a particle diameter of 10-60µm and is marked by a bright pearl luster that is also colorful. It is a recolored pearlescent pigment that is formed when metallic, silver white and interference pigments become coated with absorpti...展开 Black Pearl YT3405 displays a particle diameter of 10-60µm and is marked by a bright pearl luster that is also colorful. It is a recolored pearlescent pigment that is formed when metallic, silver white and interference pigments become coated with absorptive pigments. They provide brighter coloring and a higher chrome pearlescent effect. Applications include automobile and refinished paints, interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Black Stain YT3403 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Black Stain YT3403 falls in the recolored pearlescent pigment range, displaying a particle diameter of 5-25µm in a pigment that is marked by a colorful and bright pearl luster. Pigments within this range are formed when metallic, silver white and interfer...展开 Black Stain YT3403 falls in the recolored pearlescent pigment range, displaying a particle diameter of 5-25µm in a pigment that is marked by a colorful and bright pearl luster. Pigments within this range are formed when metallic, silver white and interference pigments become coated with absorptive pigments. They provide brighter coloring and a higher chrome pearlescent effect. Applications include automobile and refinished paints, interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Blackish Red YT93010M Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Blackish Red YT93010M is a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that has a particle diameter of 10-60µm with a blackish red color in a pigment that is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment. The pigment however, does not have magnet...展开 Blackish Red YT93010M is a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that has a particle diameter of 10-60µm with a blackish red color in a pigment that is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment. The pigment however, does not have magnetic properties. It can be used in automobile and refinished paints, on exterior and interior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Bleached Linseed Oil ADM Bleached Linseed Oil, in the form of amber clear liquid, is an all-purpose refined, free from mineral acids, grinding oil. It has many applications, such as varnishes, paints, alkyd resins, hardboard, inks, coatings, and more.
Blue Black YT3628 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Blue Black YT3628 displays a particle diameter of 10-60µm in a pigment that is characterized by a colorful and bright pearl luster. This recolored pearlescent pigment is formed when metallic, silver white and interference pigments become coated with absor...展开 Blue Black YT3628 displays a particle diameter of 10-60µm in a pigment that is characterized by a colorful and bright pearl luster. This recolored pearlescent pigment is formed when metallic, silver white and interference pigments become coated with absorptive pigments. They provide brighter coloring and a higher chrome pearlescent effect. Applications for pigments within this range include automobile and refinished paints, interior and exterior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
Blue Crystal SW6235 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Blue Crystal SW6235 is based on composed material and coated by titanium dioxide, providing a bright blue shine and reflection, an orange transmission, with a particle diameter of 10-60µm. The product can create an attractive crystal flash effect in vario...展开 Blue Crystal SW6235 is based on composed material and coated by titanium dioxide, providing a bright blue shine and reflection, an orange transmission, with a particle diameter of 10-60µm. The product can create an attractive crystal flash effect in various colors. It is used in car surface and refinished paints, in interior and exterior wall paints and in gravure, offset and screen inks. 收起
Blue Crystal SW6288 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Blue Crystal SW6288 is based on composed material and coated by titanium dioxide, providing a bright blue sparkle, shine, reflection and effect, an orange transmission, with a particle diameter of 40-200µm. The product can create an attractive crystal fla...展开 Blue Crystal SW6288 is based on composed material and coated by titanium dioxide, providing a bright blue sparkle, shine, reflection and effect, an orange transmission, with a particle diameter of 40-200µm. The product can create an attractive crystal flash effect in various colors. It is used in car surface and refinished paints, in interior and exterior wall paints and in gravure, offset and screen inks. 收起
Blue Crystal SW6289 Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Blue Crystal SW6289 is based on composed material and coated by titanium dioxide, providing a bright blue sparkle, shine and reflection, an orange projection, with a particle diameter of 10-125µm. The product can create an attractive crystal flash effect ...展开 Blue Crystal SW6289 is based on composed material and coated by titanium dioxide, providing a bright blue sparkle, shine and reflection, an orange projection, with a particle diameter of 10-125µm. The product can create an attractive crystal flash effect in various colors. It is used in car surface and refinished paints, in interior and exterior wall paints and in gravure, offset and screen inks. 收起
Blue YT93002M Guangzhou Yortay Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. Blue YT93002M is a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that has a particle diameter of 10-60µm, with a green-colored pigment that has a metallic shine and 3D effect. The pigment is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment, but does n...展开 Blue YT93002M is a newly-developed magnetic, conductive pearl pigment that has a particle diameter of 10-60µm, with a green-colored pigment that has a metallic shine and 3D effect. The pigment is also called a 3D effect, magnetic pearl pigment, but does not have magnetic properties. It can be used in automobile and refinished paints, on exterior and interior wall paints as well as gravure, screen and offset inks. 收起
BLUESIL ADD 10086 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL ADD 10086 is a polydimethylsiloxane gum in solvent solution especially developed to obtain hammer effects in combination with thixotropic polyurethane bases. It is also suitable for use with classical, polyurethane bases, thixotropic alkyd paints ...展开 BLUESIL ADD 10086 is a polydimethylsiloxane gum in solvent solution especially developed to obtain hammer effects in combination with thixotropic polyurethane bases. It is also suitable for use with classical, polyurethane bases, thixotropic alkyd paints and silicone binders. 收起
BLUESIL ADD 11013 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL ADD 11013 is a polyether-modified polydimethylsiloxane for use in solventless paints and varnishes, and in water-based paints and inks.
BLUESIL BP 9200 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9200 is a solventless alkylpolysiloxane oligomer designed to enhance durability of construction materials as formed hard adhesion repellency layer through deep penetration.
BLUESIL BP 9300 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9300 is a solventless alkylpolysiloxane oligomer designed to enhance durability of construction materials as formed hard adhesion repellency layer through deep penetration.
BLUESIL BP 9705 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9705 is a non ionic, APEO free, polyorganosiloxane aqueous emulsion, to be used as a water repellent additive in various formulations for building materials.
BLUESIL BP 9710 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9710 is an emulsion with an alkylpolysiloxane oligomer base designed to protect surfaces against moisture. This waterproofing system respects the environment since it is entirely formulated in a water base, it is free of any organic solvent and...展开 BLUESIL BP 9710 is an emulsion with an alkylpolysiloxane oligomer base designed to protect surfaces against moisture. This waterproofing system respects the environment since it is entirely formulated in a water base, it is free of any organic solvent and it does not contain ecotoxic surfactant. After it has dried on the surface, BLUESIL BP 9710 repels water and allows walls to breathe. Experience acquired over more than 40 years shows that silicone water repellents are a good answer to humidity problems in construction materials, particularly when for esthetical reasons the natural aspect of the material should be preserved. BLUESIL BP 9710 has been awarded a test certificate by CSTC (Centre Scientifique et Technique de - ): ref HD-340/133-151 on the 2006.02.20. 收起
BLUESIL BP 9800 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9800 is an aqueous APE-free polymethylsiloxane resin emulsion. This emulsion is designed for use in facade coatings, to optimise the balance between water repellency and water vapour permeability.
BLUESIL BP 9821 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9821 is an aqueous APE-free polymethylsiloxane resin emulsion with low VOC content. This emulsion is designed for use in facade coatings, to optimise the balance between water repellency and water vapour permeability.
BLUESIL BP 9878 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9878 is an aqueous polymethylsiloxane resin emulsion.This emulsion provides two fundamental properties of the silicone technology to the paint film: water repellency and permeability to water vapour.
BLUESIL BP 9900 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9900 is a non ionic, APEO free, polyorganosiloxane aqueous emulsion, to be used as a water repellent additive for building materials.
BLUESIL BP 9920 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL BP 9920is anon-ionic, APEO free, polyorganosiloxane aqueous emulsion, to be used as a water repellent additive in various formulations for building materials.
BLUESIL EMUL 1803 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL EMUL 1803 is a non-ionic silicone emulsion containing silicone oil and resin. This emulsion is intended for mould-release of cast polyurethane elastomers.
BLUESIL EMUL 269 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL EMUL 269 is an aqueous emulsion of an hydrogeno polysiloxane.
BLUESIL EMUL 284 Elkem Silicones ​BLUESIL EMUL 284 is a slightly ionic oil-in-water type emulsion of a high viscosity a/w-hydroxydimethylpolysiloxane fluid. BLUESIL EMUL 284 is characterised by its reactivity, its outstanding stability, its lubricating power and its fabric softening prop...展开 ​BLUESIL EMUL 284 is a slightly ionic oil-in-water type emulsion of a high viscosity a/w-hydroxydimethylpolysiloxane fluid. BLUESIL EMUL 284 is characterised by its reactivity, its outstanding stability, its lubricating power and its fabric softening properties (textile applications). 收起
BLUESIL EMUL 3500 Elkem Silicones BLUESIL EMUL 3500 is a general purpose; non-ionic oil in water silicone emulsion, of a high viscosity hydroxyl terminated polysiloxane.