UL Prospector


34 条结果
Alpha-Linolenic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. α-亚麻酸简称ALA,CAS No.463-40-1。它存在于绿色植物中,是ω-3 系不饱和脂肪酸类的一种主要原料,是n-3 系多不饱和脂肪酸的母体。α-亚麻酸不能通过人体自身合成,也无法由其他营养来合成,必须依靠膳食来获得。α-亚麻酸具有延缓衰老、改善记忆、改善睡眠、提高智力、提高免疫力、调节血脂、血压、血糖、保护视力、通便、保肝等保健功效,在营养学界被誉为“植物脑黄金”。α-亚麻酸是人们必须的营养素之一,对人体的健康有重要的意义,其制剂也有很多医学上的治疗效果,可以预见,α-亚麻酸将在人类未来的保健和...展开 α-亚麻酸简称ALA,CAS No.463-40-1。它存在于绿色植物中,是ω-3 系不饱和脂肪酸类的一种主要原料,是n-3 系多不饱和脂肪酸的母体。α-亚麻酸不能通过人体自身合成,也无法由其他营养来合成,必须依靠膳食来获得。α-亚麻酸具有延缓衰老、改善记忆、改善睡眠、提高智力、提高免疫力、调节血脂、血压、血糖、保护视力、通便、保肝等保健功效,在营养学界被誉为“植物脑黄金”。α-亚麻酸是人们必须的营养素之一,对人体的健康有重要的意义,其制剂也有很多医学上的治疗效果,可以预见,α-亚麻酸将在人类未来的保健和营养方面发挥重要作用。我司产品主要应用于医药、食品、保健品、食用油、动物饲料等领域。 收起
Astaxanthin 10% Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Astaxanthin 10% is a soft reddish to dark red viscous oil form.
Astaxanthin 1.5% Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Astaxanthin 1.5% is a soft reddish brown powder.
Astaxanthin 5.0% Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Astaxanthin 5.0% is a soft reddish to dark red viscous liquid form.
Astaxanthin Beadlets 2.0% Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Astaxanthin Beadlets 2.0% has the appearance of soft reddish brown beadlets.
Astaxanthin Beadlets 2.0% CS Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Astaxanthin Beadlets 2.0% CS has the appearance of soft reddish brown beadlets.
Astxanthin Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Astxanthin is from the Microalgae (Haematococcus pluviales) plant. This product is a dark red colored free flowing liquid to soft paste that is made from the dried flakes of micro algae. Astxanthin is a highly potent natural carotenoid than β-carotene. It...展开 Astxanthin is from the Microalgae (Haematococcus pluviales) plant. This product is a dark red colored free flowing liquid to soft paste that is made from the dried flakes of micro algae. Astxanthin is a highly potent natural carotenoid than β-carotene. It is a nutritional food supplement that is used as an antioxidant. It protects the skin from UV radiation and keeps the skin cells alive and can be used in cosmetic applications. This product can be used in capsules, tablets, nutritional and sports beverages/drinks, emollient & radiation protective creams and beauty care creams. This product is Kosher and G.M.P. certified. 收起
Buttermilk Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Buttermilk Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a buttermilk taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food products. Buttermilk Emulco is foun...展开 Buttermilk Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a buttermilk taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food products. Buttermilk Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
Cake Emulsifier Gel (Quick Gel) Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Cake Emulsifier Gel (Quick Gel) is a naturally made emulsifier that appears as a gel. This product improves viscosity, aroma and moisture retention. It also helps to prevent separation of ingredients in processed foods. Cake Emulsifier Gel (Quick Gel) is ...展开 Cake Emulsifier Gel (Quick Gel) is a naturally made emulsifier that appears as a gel. This product improves viscosity, aroma and moisture retention. It also helps to prevent separation of ingredients in processed foods. Cake Emulsifier Gel (Quick Gel) is found in baked goods, ice cream, toppings, waffle and fillings. 收起
Chocolate Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Chocolate Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a chocolate taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food products. Chocolate Emulco is found i...展开 Chocolate Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a chocolate taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food products. Chocolate Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
cis-Palmitoleic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 棕榈油酸,又名顺-9-十六烯酸,CAS No. 373-49-9,主要少量存在于沙棘类植物油脂中,具有重要的营养和医药价值,可以用于医药,试剂,农药等领域。产品优势:原料全部来源于植物,从天然沙棘果油中提取,纯天然,无化学添加成份。工艺采用分子蒸馏等提取分离技术,工艺稳定,健康环保,无环境污染。工业化生产40%和70%棕榈油酸,颜色浅,过氧化值低,可用于清真化妆品和保健品添加。
Coffee Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Coffee Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic coffee taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in b...展开 Coffee Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic coffee taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in baked products. Coffee Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
DHA 40% Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) DHA 40% is an unsaturated acyclic acid that is a golden-yellow to yellow colored flowable soft liquid. This product should be stored at < 5℃ under nitrogen blanketing. It is suggested to consume the whole container material once it is opened.
Gamma-Linolenic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. γ-亚麻酸,化学品名顺式-6,9,12-十八碳三烯酸,CAS No.506-26-3,天然以甘油酯形式存在于人乳及某些种子植物、孢子植物的油中,另外根据研究发现,γ-亚麻酸的营养保健作用如下:抗心血管疾病作用,降血脂作用,降血糖作用,抗癌作用,美白和抗皮肤老化作用。产品优势:原料全部来源于植物,从天然琉璃苣油中提取,纯天然,无化学添加成份。工艺采用多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。工业化生产40%和70%的γ-亚麻酸及其酯,具有颜色浅、过氧化值低的优点,可用于化妆品和保健品添加。另...展开 γ-亚麻酸,化学品名顺式-6,9,12-十八碳三烯酸,CAS No.506-26-3,天然以甘油酯形式存在于人乳及某些种子植物、孢子植物的油中,另外根据研究发现,γ-亚麻酸的营养保健作用如下:抗心血管疾病作用,降血脂作用,降血糖作用,抗癌作用,美白和抗皮肤老化作用。产品优势:原料全部来源于植物,从天然琉璃苣油中提取,纯天然,无化学添加成份。工艺采用多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。工业化生产40%和70%的γ-亚麻酸及其酯,具有颜色浅、过氧化值低的优点,可用于化妆品和保健品添加。另外我司通过微囊话技术可以提供高含量的微囊粉末,20-35%。 收起
Gingerols Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Gingerols is made from the plant source Zingiber officinale (Ginger). It is a pale yellowish brown viscous liquid/mass. Gingerols is used in various food preparations; due to its pungent and antiseptic compounds present in it; like ginger bread, curry pow...展开 Gingerols is made from the plant source Zingiber officinale (Ginger). It is a pale yellowish brown viscous liquid/mass. Gingerols is used in various food preparations; due to its pungent and antiseptic compounds present in it; like ginger bread, curry powders, certain curried meats, seasonings, table sausages, soft drinks like cordials, ginger cocktail and carbonated drinks. It is also used in various alcoholic beverages such as brandy, wine, beer and ales. Gingerols is used in the form of precoated powder or dispersed liquid, cough lozenges, capsules, alcoholic beverages, syrups and ointments. This product is Kosher and G.M.P. certified. 收起
Green Tea Flavour Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Green Tea Flavour is a natural flavoring liquid that has a green tea taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity and acts as a...展开 Green Tea Flavour is a natural flavoring liquid that has a green tea taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity and acts as an effective food coloring agent in baked products. Green Tea Flavour is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
Linoleic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 亚油酸,化学品名顺-9,12-十八碳二烯酸,CAS No. 60-33-3,具有降低血脂、软化血管、降低血压、促进微循环的作用,可预防或减少心血管病的发病率,特别是对高血压、高血脂、心绞痛、冠心病、动脉粥样硬化、老年性肥胖症等的防治极为有利,能起到防止人体血清胆固醇在血管壁的沉积,有“血管清道夫”的美誉,具有防治动脉粥样硬化及心血管疾病的保健效果。产品优势:欧米嘉公司亚油酸产品主要以葵花籽油为原料,采用先进的提取工艺,保证了产品的质量。该产品尤其适于食品、医药和香料等行业。工艺为多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定...展开 亚油酸,化学品名顺-9,12-十八碳二烯酸,CAS No. 60-33-3,具有降低血脂、软化血管、降低血压、促进微循环的作用,可预防或减少心血管病的发病率,特别是对高血压、高血脂、心绞痛、冠心病、动脉粥样硬化、老年性肥胖症等的防治极为有利,能起到防止人体血清胆固醇在血管壁的沉积,有“血管清道夫”的美誉,具有防治动脉粥样硬化及心血管疾病的保健效果。产品优势:欧米嘉公司亚油酸产品主要以葵花籽油为原料,采用先进的提取工艺,保证了产品的质量。该产品尤其适于食品、医药和香料等行业。工艺为多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。具有工业化生产超高纯度99%的工艺,颜色浅,单杂低,可以用于注射级药用辅料原料。提供游离酸、乙酯,甲酯和甘油酯等不同的脂肪酸形式。 收起
Lutein Ester Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Lutein Ester is made from the plant source Tagetes erecta (Marigold Deep Orange). It is a dark ornate coloured powder or crystalline powder that is odour free without any free saturated fatty acids. It is generally used as a nutritional supplement in the ...展开 Lutein Ester is made from the plant source Tagetes erecta (Marigold Deep Orange). It is a dark ornate coloured powder or crystalline powder that is odour free without any free saturated fatty acids. It is generally used as a nutritional supplement in the form of a colouring agent in food products like nutritional drinks, confectionery, beverages, ice creams etc. As a colourant, when used with poultry feed it increases the colour intensity of egg-yolk and chicken. Lutein Ester is used in soft and hard gel capsules, chewable tablets, beverage/nutritional/sports drinks, milk powders, biscuits, chocolates and pet and poultry feed ingredient. This product is Kosher and G.M.P. certified. 收起
Lutein Ester 10.0% Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Lutein Ester 10.0% is a red-yellowish to orange-reddish brown free flowing powder.
Lutein Ester 20% Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Lutein Ester 20% is a reddish to reddish-orange to reddish-brown viscous liquid to paste form.
Milk Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Milk Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a creamy taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food products. Milk Emulco is found in baked goods...展开 Milk Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a creamy taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food products. Milk Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
Mustard Oil Ashoka Oil Industries Mustard Oil is of vegetable origin and is derived from seeds of black and white mustard plants. In its crude form, this product has a strong odor and spicy taste; when refined, it has a neutral odor and taste. Mustard Oil is high in alpha-linolenic acid...展开 Mustard Oil is of vegetable origin and is derived from seeds of black and white mustard plants. In its crude form, this product has a strong odor and spicy taste; when refined, it has a neutral odor and taste. Mustard Oil is high in alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid low in cholesterol. 收起
Oleic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 油酸,化学品名为9-顺式十八碳烯酸,为omega-9单不饱和脂肪酸,CAS No.112-80-1,天然以甘油酯形式存在于各种动植物脂肪中。油酸具有降低高血脂症患者血脂水平以及预防心血管疾病的作用,可降低血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,并保持高密度脂蛋白胆固醇不降低。油酸的用途极为广泛,工业上可用于油墨、涂料等行业的增溶剂。纯度较高的油酸可以作为食品医药乳化剂和稳定剂。我司生产的90%油酸,可达到无色液体,热稳定性好,来源为天然食用油,质量稳定,可广泛用于食品加工行业。我司生产的99%以上的油酸,无色透...展开 油酸,化学品名为9-顺式十八碳烯酸,为omega-9单不饱和脂肪酸,CAS No.112-80-1,天然以甘油酯形式存在于各种动植物脂肪中。油酸具有降低高血脂症患者血脂水平以及预防心血管疾病的作用,可降低血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,并保持高密度脂蛋白胆固醇不降低。油酸的用途极为广泛,工业上可用于油墨、涂料等行业的增溶剂。纯度较高的油酸可以作为食品医药乳化剂和稳定剂。我司生产的90%油酸,可达到无色液体,热稳定性好,来源为天然食用油,质量稳定,可广泛用于食品加工行业。我司生产的99%以上的油酸,无色透明液体,热稳定性极好,可用于注射级药用辅料吐温80的原料。产品优势:原料来源稳定,天然有机,非转基因。可工业化生产超高纯度99%以上,热稳定性好,颜色为无色液体,完全可以满足生产注射级吐温80(2015药典)的指标要求。80%/90%香精香料级油酸和油酸乙酯,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。 收起
Orange Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Orange Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has an orange taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. Orange Emulco is used in baked goods, dough, mixes and toppings.
Pandan Coconut Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Pandan Coconut is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic coconut taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity and...展开 Pandan Coconut is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic coconut taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity and acts as an effective food coloring agent in baked products. Pandan Coconut is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
Pandan Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Pandan Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a pandan taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity and acts as an effec...展开 Pandan Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a pandan taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity and acts as an effective food coloring agent in baked products. Pandan Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
Refinded Camellia Oil 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 本品为纯天然植物油,CAS号: 225233-97-6。从山茶花(油茶)种子中压榨提纯而成。山茶精油的油酸含量高达80%以上,是一种具有很高抗氧化性的植物精油。山茶花属常绿山茶科油茶属,每年10月至次年1月期间开花。全球绝大部分山茶科植物精油都提取自山茶树种子。在中国,山茶花一般是指能提炼籽油的山茶属植物。种子含油量约为16‐17%,籽仁含油量约为60%。山茶花油是一种干性油,与椿花油类似。两者都属于山茶科山茶属。性状:本品为淡黄色透明液体,无味或较淡气味。由于其富含油酸,亚油酸含量较少,山茶花精油属于一...展开 本品为纯天然植物油,CAS号: 225233-97-6。从山茶花(油茶)种子中压榨提纯而成。山茶精油的油酸含量高达80%以上,是一种具有很高抗氧化性的植物精油。山茶花属常绿山茶科油茶属,每年10月至次年1月期间开花。全球绝大部分山茶科植物精油都提取自山茶树种子。在中国,山茶花一般是指能提炼籽油的山茶属植物。种子含油量约为16‐17%,籽仁含油量约为60%。山茶花油是一种干性油,与椿花油类似。两者都属于山茶科山茶属。性状:本品为淡黄色透明液体,无味或较淡气味。由于其富含油酸,亚油酸含量较少,山茶花精油属于一种干性油,具有很高的抗氧化性。用途:可用于食用植物油,化妆品,洗浴用品,护肤品,营养霜,冷霜;基础护肤产品:按摩霜,防晒油,润肤油;护发产品:发油,洗发水,焗油膏,护发素 收起
Refined Ground Nut Oil Ashoka Oil Industries Refined Ground Nut Oil, also known as peanut oil, is derived from the Arachis hypogaea plant. This oil is tan and viscous, with a nutty flavor and odor. It has a low smoke factor, which means it can be used for frying even at high temperatures. Refined...展开 Refined Ground Nut Oil, also known as peanut oil, is derived from the Arachis hypogaea plant. This oil is tan and viscous, with a nutty flavor and odor. It has a low smoke factor, which means it can be used for frying even at high temperatures. Refined Ground Nut Oil is a common ingredient in Thai cuisine. 收起
Refined Soyabean Oil Ashoka Oil Industries Refined Soyabean Oil is derived from the soy plant, and is commonly called vegetable oil. This product appears yellowish with a neutral flavor and odor. It has a low smoke factor, which means it can be used for frying at high temperatures. Refined Soya...展开 Refined Soyabean Oil is derived from the soy plant, and is commonly called vegetable oil. This product appears yellowish with a neutral flavor and odor. It has a low smoke factor, which means it can be used for frying at high temperatures. Refined Soyabean Oil is used in salad dressings and baked goods, and can be used in combination with other fats and oils. 收起
Rosemary Extract Ennature Biopharma (Division of India Glycols Limited) Rosemary Extract is made from the plant source Rosmarinus officinalis. It is a light yellowish green colored oil soluble oleoresin / powder form. It is a very good antioxidant. The therapeutic properties of rosemary include that of tonic, astringent, diap...展开 Rosemary Extract is made from the plant source Rosmarinus officinalis. It is a light yellowish green colored oil soluble oleoresin / powder form. It is a very good antioxidant. The therapeutic properties of rosemary include that of tonic, astringent, diaphoretic and stimulant as well as reducing skin fragility. Rosemary Extract is used as a natural preservative in the meat industry. This product is Kosher and G.M.P. certified. 收起
Strawberry Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Strawberry Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic coconut taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity ...展开 Strawberry Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic coconut taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity and acts as an effective food coloring agent in baked products. Strawberry Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起
Vanilla Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Vanilla Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a vanilla taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. Vanilla Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, toppings and...展开 Vanilla Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a vanilla taste and aroma. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma and moisture retention in baked products. Vanilla Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, toppings and milk shake products. 收起
Vanilla (Flavour Powder) Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Vanilla (Flavour Powder) is a light brown colored powder with a vanilla taste. This product is used as a flavor. Vanilla (Flavour Powder) is found in baked goods, beverage drinks, ice cream, waffle, snack foods and other products in which vanilla flavor i...展开 Vanilla (Flavour Powder) is a light brown colored powder with a vanilla taste. This product is used as a flavor. Vanilla (Flavour Powder) is found in baked goods, beverage drinks, ice cream, waffle, snack foods and other products in which vanilla flavor is required. 收起
Yam Emulco Green House Ingredient Sdn Bhd Yam Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic yam taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food pro...展开 Yam Emulco is a natural flavoring liquid that has a characteristic yam taste and aroma with a creamy note. This product is used to enhance flavor, aroma, mouth feel and moisture retention in baked products. It also helps to stabilize viscosity in food products. Yam Emulco is found in baked goods, dough, mixes, ice cream, waffles, topping and fillings. 收起