UL Prospector

Nude Acne Solution (Formulation #USFL-0339-21-104)

This acne solution formulation features NEOFECT PEN-LO.


With over 245 years of experience in the personal care and food ingredient industry, we at Jan Dekker pride ourselves on our high-quality products, strong technical and regulatory expertise, and sustainability focus. As a private label of IMCD, our portfolio consists of globally sourced vegetable oils and butters, food-grade antioxidants, preservatives, and functional ingredients. Jan Dekker offers tailor-made solutions in close cooperation with customers, e.g. to protect your product, and offer technical support. We offer ingredients suitable for a wide range of cosmetic products: simple formulation or even more complex ones. We want to make a positive impact on the living conditions in economically deprived regions, on biodiversity retention, and to optimise upcycling. These conscious choices trickle down in your end product, even in the way your customers or consumers place confidence in your products. By working with Jan Dekker, you place your trust in supporting local workers in a sustainable environment.



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