UL Prospector

Fermentoil Olive

  • 公司:

    LABIO. Co., Ltd.

  • INCI 名称:

    Pseudozyma Epicola/Olive Fruit Oil Ferment Filtrate


Fermentoil Olive gives nutritional values and improved feeling, absorption and compatibility for usage through the microbial fermentation system. This viscous liquid leaves a non-greasy feeling, improved skin absorption, and improved emulsifying capacity. It is ideal for use in a wide range of cosmetic applications, including skin care, sun care, and make up.

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LABIO. Co., Ltd. is Korea's leading active raw material company for the personal care industry. By focusing on Bio-Alternatives, LABIO is able to provide products that offer solubilization, stabilization, safety, and are eco-friendly.



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