UL Prospector

Flytac 114-135


Flytac 114-135 is a slightly yellow transparent solid, which is adduct of gum rosin and maleic adhydride through the eaterification by glycerol or pentaerythritol. It is used in paint and coating industries widely, for production of phenolic paints; improve hardness of paint films, gloss and rubbing property for Polyesters, Nitro and PU paints. It offers color stability, resistant to yellowing, good heat resistance and adhesion. Flytac 114-135 has an acid value of 30mg KOH/g max., a color (Gardner Grade) of 5 max., and a softening point (R&B) of 135 ± 2°C min.


Guangzhou Flying Dragon Chemical Ltd. is a manufacturer, developer, and co-producer of rosin, rosin derivatives and special additives for Paint and Coatings. Founded in 2006, Flying Dragon is a privately held company that emphasizes consistent quality at competitive prices, while assisting with export formalities. Flying Dragon is part of the Petrofer Group (www.petrofer.ch) located in Switzerland.



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