UL Prospector

Angelica Root Supercritical Extract

Angelica Root Supercritical Extract is the extract from the angelica root of angelica archangelica using Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE). This process is completed by separating one component from another, the extractant from the matrix. This sweet root extract is used as a flavoring agent throughout the food industry for its sweet and flavorful profile, and is non-GMO certified which ensures this product has not been manufactured with any genetically modified organisms or their derivatives.


Blue Marble Biomaterials' extraction technologies produce oils and extracts that rival the quality of both supercritical CO2 and traditional solvent extracts. They provide sulfur compounds, thioesters, esters, specialty offerings, extracts and oils to the food industry. Blue Marble Biomaterials' sustainable specialty chemicals produce renewable, natural drop-in replacements at competitive prices.


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