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Locust Bean Gum


Locust Bean Gum is a heat-shock resistant, water-binding, thickening and stabilizing agent. It is used in speeding the coagulation of cheese curds, and slows and thickens the melting of ice cream. When used with cake and biscuit dough, Locust Bean gives a higher yield with a considerable reduction in the amount of eggs necessary. Also, the cakes are softer, have a longer shelf life, firmer texture, can be easily removed from the pans and can be cut or sliced more easily.

About 1-2% Locust Bean Gum is used in fruit pie fillings to yield a clearer, more fruit-like filling, which is more palatable and does not mask the flavor. Locust Bean Gum, in combination with other hydrocolloids, stabilizes a variety of prepared foods as instant dry sauces and soups, frozen concentrated soups and frozen butter and cheese sauces for vegetable and fish dishes. This gum also stabilizes and thickens mayonnaise, tomato catsup, and natural as well as imitation whipped cream.


Colony Gums services the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries with high quality gums and stabilizers. They also offer sucralose and maltodextrin. Colony Gums provides support for developing special formulations of gum systems and stabilizers to meet their client's specific needs for products and their functionality requirements.



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