UL Prospector

DeliTex™ Modified Starch


DeliTex™ modified starch has a spectacular thin-thick and stability profile. Its special functional excellence is its ability to retain its low viscosity during UHT heating, keep its starch granules intact during high heat and shear treatment. Cargill’s portfolio of modified food starch has been developed to fulfill the needs of the food industry. Modified food starch is a product that offers functional benefits like gelling, thickening and bulking and contributes to the overall quality of food and beverages.


More than simply a food ingredients supplier, Cargill deeply understands our customers' strategies, consumers, distribution channels and competition. We deliver solutions that help the food industry and beverage manufacturers drive growth through new product innovation and reformulation. Cargill helps reduce costs through supply chain and manufacturing process efficiency and managing commodity price risk.



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Cargill Food Ingredients

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